I’m a marketer. I appreciate good and creative marketing. But like you, I don’t need to know how every business I’ve ever subscribed to, purchased from or even clicked on is handling the current COVID-19 pandemic.
So what do we do as marketing professionals as we watch hour by hour more restrictions, more closings, more regulations knowing this will have significant impacts on small businesses? We find relevant ways to become thought leaders for the businesses we represent. As a full-service marketing and advertising agency, MC PR & Marketing represents a wide variety of industries: restaurants, schools, home builders, non-profits, technology, developers, attorneys and other services.
Here are some tips on how to best market your small business during COVID-19:
Finding ways to educate your prospects and current customer base with relevant content establishes your company as a resource. Let me be clear, that does NOT mean we need another non-medical professional offering medical advice or providing a chart on how to flatten the curve. Thanks but we’ll leave that to the experts! While we appreciate what you do as a homebuilder – stay in your lane!
This means providing your audience with information on how COVID-19 is affecting your industry or how potential customers can anticipate changes based on the pandemic. Communication is key – always has been. And content is king – always has been. Now is the time to focus on both.
We’ve said this before. If you’re not diving into your google analytics or social media analytics, you’re shooting blanks with your marketing. These numbers have tremendous value and tell a great story. By reviewing your online traffic you’ll know what your audience is most interested in reading. Find purposeful ways to keep your audience engaged with the content they desire.
There’s no reason to spam all of your email distribution lists with an email on adjusted hours. 64% of consumers use Google My Business to find a location, store hours and read reviews. Update any store hour changes here and on your social media sites. You’re more likely to reach your consumers this way than an email they’ll likely never open and roll their eyes at.
Sometimes developing a sound marketing plan that provides data to make future marketing decisions can be intimidating. MC PR & Marketing is monitoring market situations, expert data and analysis and will continue to communicate information on how to best approach marketing and advertising during COVID-19.