The irony of having to share a presentation on Public Relations efforts to those wanting to learn more about the industry on the same day of a national tragedy was not lost on me. I woke up this morning with my normal routine: 5:30 am alarm, make a cup of coffee, come back to bed for 20 minutes to check emails and watch national news.
The stories coming in about the tragic collision involving an Army Blackhawk helicopter and an American Airlines plane in Washington D.C. were gut wrenching. As were the recent stories of the fires in Los Angeles and every other story we see on the news involving crisis and devastation.
As I presented to a room filled with business owners, public relations and marketing professionals, we pivoted a bit to discuss crisis public relations. In crisis situations, even if your company or organization is not involved, sometimes we have to take a different approach to business practices until… (there’s not a conclusive answer – just until it feels right) using awareness and empathy as our drivers.
Here are a few elements to consider when implementing public relations during a crisis:
1. Reassess: We know that our marketing efforts need to embody sales messages and entertaining content which include our social media content. Take the time to review any messaging being published and confirm it aligns with the current environment. Messaging that would never seem offensive, in times of crisis can be seen as highly-offensive.
2. Be Personable: If you’re pitching to news outlets – understand that news outlets are running full throttle during times of crisis. If the pitch isn’t timely, WAIT and adjust your timeline. If it is timely, show concern for their hectic schedules and let the journalists know you are there to work with them and make their job as easy as possible.
3. Be Genuine: Don’t just post about a tragedy for visibility. Sometimes it’s better to be silent for a few days than to post. Be genuine. Be thoughtful. Be sincere.
The goal is to approach these situations with sensitivity and compassion. We live in a time where podcasts, social media, blogs, email marketing and other marketing elements are automated or scheduled. Protect your image by ensuring your messaging is appropriate during a crisis where your target audience is directly or indirectly impacted. Today, sadly, we were all impacted as we watched the tragedy unfold and American families grieve.