Have you ever loved a brand or product so much you would never even consider trying their competitor? You are so loyal. You are their dream customer. You are the type of customer who also talks about their product, brand or service because if you could give up your day job and work for them making less money but have a lifetime supply of their product you would JUMP at the opportunity. And then…you have that experience. The type of experience that just devastates you because up until now it was the perfect relationship.
As I consult with companies to help them improve their brand or image I sometimes find the one bad apple. It’s not always a person (although more often than not it is). It could be a company policy that takes a loyal customer to the antithesis. And beware! If they were that loyal they are now holding a mega-phone in Times Square telling their story about YOU!
When putting together a Public Relations program for our clients, MC PR encourages them to look at their company from the outside and step into the shoes of their client. Most employees are so far in to the daily grind that they lose perspective of what is important; and what is important is whatever is important to the client.
I always love to use the “Ritz Carlton Experience” as the goal for customer service. I will never forget the first time I stayed at a Ritz Carlton and I asked an employee where the restroom was. She literally walked me into the lobby, down the hall, through the bar and opened the door to the ladies restroom. Now that is customer service.
Encourage your employees to review your customer policies, customer service and over all experience. You can pay high dollar for a high profile PR agency to help you promote your brand but you might as well take that investment to Vegas if all your apples aren’t just perfect!